About Us

About Western Grazing

Western Grazing is a renowned, well established Australian owned Beef Producing company that started off as a family run Dairy business on the Gold Coast. The family headed west in 1983 purchasing Eurella Station a Sheep property at Muckadilla.

The Oxenford’s moved into large-scale beef production in 1992 when they purchased a large portfolio of Vestey Properties including the trading name of Western Grazing. This included Wave Hill and Cattle Creek in the Victoria River District of the Northern Territory (which was sold in 2021) and the Camooweal breeding block, Morstone. Also they acquired the Mt Isa finishing property, Oban, as part of a Vestey Deal.

In late 1999 Western Grazing purchased another large breeding property, Magowra Station, located near Normanton in the Gulf of Queensland followed by the addition of Allendale Station located in the Augathella region in 2008.

Camel Creek Station situated 110km west of Ingham was purchased in September 2022 for a large scale breeding and fattening purpose, with the latest acquisition being Slogan Downs Station situated 80km south of Charters Towers which is a premium property also used for breeding and fattening purpose.

Western Grazing portfolio currenlty comprises of seven properties in Queensland.  

Weaner steers & surplus heifers from the Northern breeding properties are trucked out to the company’s finishing & backgrounding properties - Eurella, Oban & Allendale to grow out for the bullock and feeder markets.

Western Grazing owns quality herd of Brahman Cross Cattle and will continue with the cross breeding program to broaden their market appeal.

Western Grazing also provides employment opportunities for approximately 60 people across all aspects of its operations.